Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Make a Positive Postural Impact"!!

"Make a Positive Impact!!!" Hello everyone, whether it is youth, seniors, desk or construction jobs, we are here for everyone seeking to find a positive change and renew their health. Today's focus is on daily postural habits you may not be aware of. Can you relate to feeling discomfort from slumping posture at your job, or at home on your PC or laptop??

Sitting positions can cause this type of slouched slumping posture which can lead to muscle aches, back pain and headaches. Great health can be possible and our body's strength can be renewed with chiropractic care.

Below is an example of a body builder's posture being affected by his slumping. This can create neck pain, back pain, and even headaches. His health could benefit from chiropractic care.

Below is an example of the different ways people are "slouching" and "slumping" and it is silently damaging their health.

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