Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Discover help for Scoliosis. The chiropractic approach is to use specific spinal adjustments, often combined with corrective exercises. If detected early enough, chiropractic can have excellent success with scoliosis cases. Turn spine and health obstacles into opportunities to improve your health and prevent future problems.
Scoliosis can occur in different forms.

Get your children checked today for scoliosis. Prevention is important. Remember , as the twig is bent , so grows the tree.

Purification Program

Purify and detoxify your body and transform your life! Toxins, they are in the food you eat, water you drink, and the air you breathe. You are probably aware of the pesticides and preservatives in our food. These and... others affect the lymphatic system, kidneys, blood, lungs, skin and immune systems. If you would like to know more about this, contact our office for a free consultation on purification.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pregnancy pain and chiropractic relief

"Chiropractic brings out the best in mom and baby during pregnancy". Chiropractic care provides so many things a pregnant body needs: a flexible and balanced spine, hips, and pelvis; internal organs without postural stress and freedom from nerve stress- all essential for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Help us spread this message of feeling good during pregnancy.

Dr. Hall and Karmen

Here are 2  examples of how pregnancy affects the spine and hips creating low back pain
 hip pain, leg pain and numbness.   It is possible to have freedom from pain and discomfort during your pregnancy.

Monday, February 11, 2013

TMJ (jaw pain)

Marvelous Monday! So many of the people we serve, find themselves in some serious discomfort when they are faced with TMJ pain, earaches, headaches, and jaw swelling, difficulty opening their mouth and chewing. Fresh help is at hand with chiropractic care. If you or anyone you know experience these symptoms, give our office a call.

Have a fun, healthy week. Dr. Hall and Angel.

 A man with TMJ (jaw pain).

  A woman with TMJ (jaw pain).

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Make a Positive Postural Impact"!!

"Make a Positive Impact!!!" Hello everyone, whether it is youth, seniors, desk or construction jobs, we are here for everyone seeking to find a positive change and renew their health. Today's focus is on daily postural habits you may not be aware of. Can you relate to feeling discomfort from slumping posture at your job, or at home on your PC or laptop??

Sitting positions can cause this type of slouched slumping posture which can lead to muscle aches, back pain and headaches. Great health can be possible and our body's strength can be renewed with chiropractic care.

Below is an example of a body builder's posture being affected by his slumping. This can create neck pain, back pain, and even headaches. His health could benefit from chiropractic care.

Below is an example of the different ways people are "slouching" and "slumping" and it is silently damaging their health.